Saturday 16 April 2016

ISO 13485 Certification safety of medical device

QMS for medical safety, ISO 13485 Certification is help to Improves the process of manufacturing & procedure that ensures for safety of medical devices and confirms the customer satisfaction through timely delivery of services. This standard is serves to the quality system of medical devices, which ensures the safety of medical devices & related items and also helps to improve the services of firm. ISO 13485 Certification is to ensure the quality standard to maintain the safety of medical devices, meets the customer requirements such as safety, quality.

 This ISO 13485 standard increases the efficiency of companies and also applicable for medical device, medical device manufacturers. ISO 13485 Certification is offering the requirements of quality system for medical devices & help to improve relationship between customers and manufactures.

Tuesday 12 April 2016

Know BCM ISO 22301 Certification

BDM ISO 22301 Certification helps to aware and to improve their capabilities in handling any kind of emergencies. This BCM standard helps to understand the specify requirements of any incident management as part of a management of business continuity in an organization. ISO 22301 Certification helps to raise their level of resilience & level of credibility in your business.

 ISO 22301 standard provides extra emphasis on setting the goal and also business performance, metrics. ISO 22301 Certification is to help in put clear expectation on management and summarizes them in a single section. URSINDIA provides ISO 22301 Certification in all India